10 Days Of Labor Induction: Day One

So today is the first day of my 10 days of labor induction series, as promised. The trick I tried out today was walking. Lots and lots of walking. I went shopping for some things for the planner I'm making (I'll make a post about that soon) and I also got some craft things and outdoor fun stuff for Ben and some new undergarments and bath things for myself. Overall we were out for about 6 hours and we were walking around shopping for at least 5 of those 6 hours. Nothing too intense but I was also pushing a stroller a lot of the time so that's something. I don't think tonight will be the night that Michael makes an appearance so it was a bust overall but I did have 4 rather painful contractions while we were out, I'm not sure if the walking had anything to do with it or if it would have happened regardless. I'm leaning towards option number two. So that's how that went but to summarize...

Labor Induction: Day One
Method: Walking.

Difficulty: As easy as walking can be for a pregnant lady.

Results: A few contractions; possibly unrelated. Sore feet. :/

Is baby coming: Nope.

Would you recommend: No. I walked for at least 5 hours consistently and got nothing, don't waste your breath ladies, I'm assuming you really don't have any to spare at this point.

Question of the Post: Which labor inducing technique would you recommend I try next? Have you also tried walking to induce labor? Were your results any different than mine? Let me know in the comments.

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